Shaping You Into A Warrior

A couple nights ago, I was lying under my covers, feeling down and doom scrolling through YouTube reels. I could feel depression trying to creep in, and I kept hearing the Holy Spirit say, “Fight back. Fight back.”

Last night, I read 2 Samuel 23, which talks about David’s mightiest warriors. It threw me off at first that the warriors were suddenly being introduced, since this is towards the end of the book. But then the Holy Spirit revealed that it was the warrior’s traits He wanted me to notice.

For instance, Jashobeam is mentioned in 2 Samuel 23:8. The verse mentions how he used his spear to kill 800 enemy warriors in just one battle! This makes me think of spiritual warfare; our “spear” is the Word of God. When we’re battling feelings of depression, reciting the scriptures that remind us of the joy and peace that are rightfully ours is how we can really combat those negative feelings and defeat the enemy.

Then there's Eleazar in verses 9-10. He stood alongside David the king in battle and fought against the Philistines even when everyone else fled. Eleazar kept fighting until he was exhausted. God wants the same dedication from us —to stand firm and not let fear drive us away.

There’s a lot more in the rest of 2 Samuel 23 that I think you should read, because you’ll learn more about the other warriors and what David the king says about them. But overall, the Holy Spirit showed me through that passage the kind of warriors God is calling us to be. We can't just fight back occasionally or cower in the face of challenges; we must consistently speak His Word and confront our struggles head-on. As we fight alongside our King, He will give us victory.

With Gratitude,


Reflection Question: In what ways do you inhibit your own inner warrior? How can you strengthen your inner warrior today?

Tag me on Instagram @untotheclouds and let me hear your thoughts 🤍


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